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onsdag 24 mars 2010

Samuel Gompers - labor leader and immigration restrictionists

Despite Lawrence Auster, Don Feder, Paul Gottfried and Stephen Steinlight, and French Jews who vote Le Pen, there is a common notion that most Jews are immigration liberals. Even to the point of supporting the influx of millions upon millions of Muslims into the West, often hostile to the state of Israel and to the Jews themselves.

Living History Forum estimates that 82 percent of the Muslims in Sweden hold more or less anti-Semitic views. (Diagram 9 in this report in Swedish:

So why don't Jews in the West more often oppose immigration from Muslim countries?

Lawrence Auster has given a short reply to that question, Stephen Steinlight a long one.

One Jewish figure of the Left who was an immigration restrictionist was the immigrant and American labor leader Samuel Gompers.

He was a member of the broad alliance behind the immigration reform of 1924, "that limited the number of immigrants who could be admitted from any country to 2% of the number of people from that country who were already living in the United States in 1890, according to the Census of 1890. It excluded immigration of Asians."

Before that reform immigration had been basically free. Pushed by capitalists who wanted cheap labor. This was to the disadvantage of the American worker, hence the unholy alliance between labor and white nationalists as well as eugenicists.

The reform enabled the integration and assimilation of millions of immigrants, who perhaps otherwise had been under no pressure to learn English, which is the case of the Latinos and Hispanics of Los Angeles, who can get along fine without learning English, because they can watch Spanish speaking TV stations, visit Spanish speaking super markets, Spanish speaking doctors, schools, etcetera.

America benefited from the immigration act of 1924, just as Sweden and other European countries would benefit from an equal immigration policy.

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