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onsdag 17 mars 2010

The Mad Hatter's Tea Party II

It had started already back in 1999:

"George Staunton is a 78-year old veteran of the Second World War who lives in Liverpool. Early in the morning of last 9th June, which was polling day in the elections to the European Parliament, he admits to having gone out to encourage support for the United Kingdom Independence Party, which believes in withdrawal from the European Union. He put up several UKIP posters, and on the wall of a derelict commercial property painted the words: 'Don't forget the 1945 War' and 'Free Speech for England'.

Just as he was finishing his display, Mr Staunton was arrested by the Merseyside Police. The cost of repairing his criminal damage is estimated at £80 - not a large sum, and the wall painted on is soon to be demolished. Bearing also in mind his age and previous good character, one might think he would have been sent home and advised to keep his political high spirits under better control in future. Instead, he was charged with racially-aggravated criminal damage under section 30 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998. The maximum penalty for this offence is 14 years imprisonment or unlimited fine or both.

Mr Staunton's solicitor is confident that he can get the charges dropped. Probably he can. The case has attracted enough publicity for the authorities not to want still greater embarrassment than they have already suffered. Besides, there is no evidence of any sort that Mr Staunton is a 'racist': indeed, his solicitor is described in one report as "a well-known advocate of black and ethnic minority organisations in Liverpool"; and he fully supports Mr Staunton. Nevertheless, this is more than just another case of police stupidity. I have no doubt the officers directly involved were stupid in going after Mr Staunton rather than somebody else. But this is not an isolated act of power. It is the start of a persecution of the anti-EU movement.

The case for British membership of a federal Europe has never been argued in this country. This is because there is no case. By history, by political culture, by economic structure, and by every other test but geographic proximity and ethnic similarity, we are not suited to membership of such a federation. We can only be fitted in at the cost of giving up everything that makes us distinct as a nation. There are no beneficiaries except an élite of politicians, bureaucrats and big business interests. Sadly, these interests are so committed to membership that they will do everything to stop an open, rational debate of its merits - a debate that they cannot hope to win."

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