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fredag 19 februari 2010

Vote Fraud Sweden pt 2

Sweden is the world's greatest democracy. Well, that's part of the Swedes self-image.

Still, except for our mind-boggling affluence, and Americanization, Sweden is heading down the road to Russia's (euphemistically labelled) "controlled democracy"
or even Robert Mugabe's Zimbabwe.

Get this!

1) For many a year leftist extremists have been attacking and beating up members of Sweden's only big immigration critical party, the Sweden Democrats.

Not once has the prime minister nor any other member of the elite, condemned these attacks, which are, really, not only attacks on "xenophobes" but an attack on democracy.

Conclusion: the Swedish establishment approves of this political violence.

2) Because of this, the EU and the UN should send election observers to Sweden.

Bizarre? Well, not if you honestly care about democratic practices.

3) Can we trust opinion polls?

Silly question. Of course, we can't. They are not scientific!

And given the elite's record of approving or at least not condemning political violence, and instances of vote fraud, I would say that opinion polls could very well be manipulated. Just as crime statistics are misleading, and that's no accident. It's a question of only relying on the cases reported to the police, which excludes about half of all people treated for injuries from violent crime at the hospitals.

No, statistics are not to be trusted. I would therefore say that the Sweden Democrats probably have a bigger share of the vote than the latest opinion polls show.

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